COMMUNICATION & TIME MANAGEMENT for young-ish folks Join a temporary learning community of peers to practice skills to help you thrive at work, at home, in the community -- skills for the rest of your life.
Find powerful, respectful ways to express your views, your needs, your gifts
Maintain focus, establish time boundaries, make decisions in tune with your values
See how feelings, even unpleasant ones, can engender creative responses
Situations at work and home often bring out our worst, not our best. Learn skills to develop self-confidence, engage your power, relieve stress, feel less awkward, find the right words, appreciate others' uniqueness.
SPEAK UP! how to talk with your boss This two-session series develops your ability to communicate effectively and easily. You’ll not only learn about the best communication models, but also get hands-on practice in a safe learning environment.
In the first session, you’ll identify your own preferred communication style and that of your boss, practicing stylistic adaptation using simple cases. Between sessions you’ll hone your style awareness and identify a good situation for real-time practice.
In the second session, you’ll experience the impact of wording, tone-of-voice, and body language to show your best self without coming across as either apologetic or self-important. Then you’ll apply your skills through a simulated situation in a supportive environment.
Speak up with skill so the conversations with your boss are effective, fluent, and comfortable.
EASE & EFFECTIVENESS training/consulting day Overwhelmed by your To-Do list? Desk a mess? Can’t seem to focus? You’re not alone! In our time-pressured, information-swamped world, these issues compromise each person’s effectiveness. This unique package of training sessions and individual consultations gives you and your team
hands-on skills in the ABCs of sustainable time management
Attention — to handle interruptions and distractions Boundaries — to spend the right amount of time on tasks Choices — to prioritize your personal and collective mission
an attractive, functional workspace
ways to apply time and stuff management to cybertime and space
models and methods everyone in your workplace can use
Get practical help to become more effective and at ease on the job.
STRAIGHTEN UP hands-on clean-up session Disorganization costs! We spend up to one-third of our time searching for stuff -- that’s $25,000 of a $75,000 salary. Straighten Up! can help you set up and maintain an attractive, functional workspace where everything is where you need it. The session kicks off with a lively demonstration of the 4-point Straighten Up! strategy.
Square — structure stuff and strategize
Sample — create systems from a small sample
Short sessions — work in easy, contained sessions
Stop — let the new way sink in
Then, Pam offers tailored, expert advice at your desk. The session closes with an energizing send-off to maintain your new system. Stop wasting time and energy -- Straighten Up!